I’ve always have been interested in doing some high speed camera work, but the problem is, a good high speed camera will start at around $25,000-$100,000. The GoPro Hero 3 – Black Edition can do 240 FPS at standard def, the problem there is you dont have any focus, ISO, or true exposure controls. Enter the Casio EX-F1, produced for a short time in 2008, if you can hunt down a new copy, it will cost you more than twice the original price, but if you look around on Ebay, you can find them in the $800 range, depending on their condition. I’ve wanted one since it came out and could never justify buying one until I was out at the shooting range last month and got a few awesome ideas. Im excited to try it out for certain high speed applications.
Strengths: 60FPS stills mode (at full resolution) 300FPS video mode, Allows for manual exposure controls, ISO control, focusing.
Weaknesses: 300FPS is standard def only, has a 1200 fps at an even lower resolution. Fixed lens.
A lot of fire arms youtubers use them to capture bullet path flights and bang for your buck this is probably the best way to go, Check it out:
Was finally able to play around with it this afternoon, I tried a bunch of different things but the best looking result was the water balloon test where I popped it with a scalpel. The footage is decent, even upsized it is still pretty interesting. Here are 2 of my favorite screen shots from the footage, crazy to see a balloon shaped glob of water just sitting there for a split second before it falls to the ground:Been getting a lot of questions about a possible Fireworks Contest this year, it’ll probably happen so get your tripods ready! Ill announce it soon!
are you opening it for all of us ? or just forth of july shots? I’m Canadian..
Very COOL!