Welcome to Michael’s blog. Michael Andrew, (aka Michael The Maven) is a freelance producer, photography instructor, tech innovator, and when needed, disaster aid specialist. Disclaimer: Michael is a participant in Bhphoto & Amazon affiliate programs that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through links on this website.
On my Fuji X-T2 vs Nikon D500 Epic Shootout I got a lot of comments asking why I didn’t use an UHS II memory card. I decided to do this follow up using one and the results were interesting. Check out and please leave your thoughts below.
I hope you enjoy it. If you have watched or plan on watching it, please be sure to leave an honest review! As always, your support is greatly appreciated!
Wes Anderson is probably one of the world’s most famous movie directors. His personal style is recognizable almost immediately as his films start. From his signature symmetry, color palettes, and fonts, to his cameras movements, quirky costumes, and characters. They all scream “Wes Anderson”.
This nearly 4-minute advertisement for clothing brand H&M is no different. While it seems to have absolutely nothing to do with H&M, or their clothes, it’s a heartwarming little story of togetherness that make the Holiday’s special.
If you don’t know who Wes Anderson is or haven’t seen his movies this is a great short intro into his beautiful filmmaking style. Enjoy!
Kai has been the face of DigitalRev (an internet photography show) for the past seven years. The channel is massive with nearly 2 million subscribers. He’s met with, interviewed, and gone on crazy adventures with the biggest names in photography. He’s known for his fun spirit and often hilarious work. He’s also no joke when it comes to his knowledge of all things photography.
A few days ago he announced they are parting ways. Without going into details he says it was an amicable split. Kai is branching out on his own and intends to create unique content on his own YouTube channel. He’s sure to create some entertaining and informative videos so if you’d like to check out his new page you can subscribe HERE.