Welcome to Michael’s blog. Michael Andrew, (aka Michael The Maven) is a freelance producer, photography instructor, tech innovator, and when needed, disaster aid specialist. Disclaimer: Michael is a participant in Bhphoto & Amazon affiliate programs that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through links on this website.
I know I haven’t posted much in a while. I’ve been traveling, Turkey for a water project with Water Mission, Dubai for training with the WFP and Logistics Cluster and then to Eswatini with the Luke Commission. In the few weeks that I have been back I have been preparing for Wave 2 of MAVEN filters. We have over 15 new designs in the works.
Strangely, I am not a designer by education, it is something I have just found myself curious about with 3D printing and it grew from there. Probably one of the most influential books on my design philosophies is Universal Principles of Design. They just released an updated version and it is GLORIOUS if you have any curiosity in design. It was fun to make notes of all the principles incorporated into MAVEN filters. If you are part nerd, this book is Highly Recommended.
As you have probably noticed we have had a lot of changes happening on the blog. Long story short, we were formerly running on Cold Fusion (outdated and soon to be totally obsolete) so we had to take some time to make the transition, hence a lot fewer posts.
Saw Oppenheimer tonight. Nolan is a truly a master. Very deep understanding of people and a rich, immersive experience. While it was entertaining, Im not sure I would categorize it as only entertainment. It felt much more like a 2 part, deep history lesson, similar to a Brilliant Mind but more about the flaws and challenges Oppenheimer faced. There was so much of human nature in this film that we don’t get from other movies, this should be reason alone to see it. As always with Nolan films, it really has me thinking and thats always a sign of a strong movie worth seeing in theaters.