Welcome to Michael’s blog. Michael Andrew, (aka Michael The Maven) is a freelance producer, photography instructor, tech innovator, and when needed, disaster aid specialist. Disclaimer: Michael is a participant in Bhphoto & Amazon affiliate programs that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through links on this website.
With the amount of questions I get every day online there is no possible way for me to answer everything.
My students who are willing to accept the burden of learning always learn more faster than those who do not.
Kinda hard to believe I am saying this, but yes, there are certain circumstances I wont answer certain types of photography questions. We see a lot of animosity towards beginners in forums (and probably will) and I was always trying to figure out why this happens. I finally think I caught a glimpse of it, and Im starting to feel like there are times its better to not answer. I dont think being mean is the way to go, but not answering is probably ok in these circumstances.
I am being too mean? Did I miss any other reasons?
For as much time as I spend talking about lens sharpness, it isn’t the first or even second most important part of an image, its actually 6th on my list. I do LOVE a good sharp lens, but without these other elements, sharp images dont matter as much. What good is a very sharp lens if it is out of focus or over exposed? Would love to know where you guys have it on your list!
Im now under the opinion that certain camera manufacturers are intentionally trickling out specs through rumor sites. https://www.fujirumors.com has done a great job getting the details out to the public and it looks like the final specs are confirmed before next weeks official announcement!
Using the new Usability scoring system I proposed a few videos ago, the Nikon D780 feels very intuitive and mostly easy to use. There were only a few glaring omissions and thoughts I had on its improvement.
Methodology – Each Camera Starts at a Base Score of 65 and I then add and subtract points based on a set of criteria (that I am still figuring out) but will be transparent as to how I get those points here – How I score: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ334yshxpk&t=3s
(Methodology Update:
Start at 65
Plain Tilty Monitors Get +2 instead of +1
I have also removed digital level as most cameras have them, so the score remains largely the same)
Titly Monitor: +2
Touch Sensitive Monitor For Shooting: +2
Touch Monitor for Menus: +2
Deep Grip: +2
Power Switch Around Shutter: +1
2 Card Slots: +2
Customizable Buttons (.5 Its Each)- +1.5
Customizable Quick Menu: +2
Locking Dials +1 x 3 = 3
Charge in Camera +1
Good Eye AF: +2
Peaking +1
Zebras +1
With the R5’s Developmental Announcement, one of the most common questions Ive been getting is about the 8K video and how much it will be limited or cropped. In this video I will go over what we now either know or can infer based on images or the tool of inference crunching data. We do not know which 8K standard the R5 will shoot, but using the pythagorean theorem and reverse engineering the aspect rations / resolutions of the 2 standards at 16:9 we can make some pretty good guesses. There will be some negatives however…..