Welcome to Michael’s blog. Michael Andrew, (aka Michael The Maven) is a freelance producer, photography instructor, tech innovator, and when needed, disaster aid specialist. Disclaimer: Michael is a participant in Bhphoto & Amazon affiliate programs that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through links on this website.
It was decent. Not as amazing as everyone is saying, but very solid. The stunts were quite incredible, especially in that Tom Cruise did most of his own. That is really mind blowing. Its worth seeing in theaters, just don’t go in with really high expectations!
I really enjoyed the first one based on the TV miniseries from the 90s and had high hopes for more. One aspect that I liked was that it focused much more on the human relationship aspects, which is something that is often overlooked and forgotten for action movies. It definitely added to the film, the negative was that because of editing errors, it felt slowed down. Very slow at times.
Screen grab from tonights shoot for @provennutrition Core Energy Drink – they have a big promotion coming and asked me to help with some of their marketing – excited to put this thing together! Thank you @hbvideography @pandjromero and @morgannrudee for your help. CORE is an amazing, low calorie (2g sugar) recovery drink I’ve been using for about 6 months now. I love it! More info coming!Screen grab from tonights shoot for @provennutrition Core Energy Drink – they have a big promotion coming and asked me to help with some of their marketing – excited to put this thing together! Thank you @hbvideography @pandjromero and @morgannrudee for your help. CORE is an amazing, low calorie (2g sugar) recovery drink I’ve been using for about 6 months now. I love it! More info coming!
Fun shoot today on the road to Hana. You guys haven’t heard much from me because I’m grinding on my latest photography project, should be done in a couple weeks. #luckywelivehawaii #sony #a7iiiFun shoot today on the road to Hana. You guys haven’t heard much from me because I’m grinding on my latest photography project, should be done in a couple weeks. #luckywelivehawaii #sony #a7iii