Essential Photoshop for Landscape Photography  by Nick Page

Essential Photoshop for Landscape Photography by Nick Page

Photographer Nick Page has a new course teaching Photoshop for landscape photography.

Here are some of the topics covered:

Covered in this course

  • Setting up photoshop
  • Round tripping between Lightroom and Photoshop
  • Setting up and saving a workspace
  • Utilizing Smart objects
  • Using Adjustment Layers
  • Using Layer Masks
  • Using Pixel Layers
  • Using Luminosity Masks
  • Using Luminosity Selections
  • Cleaning up images
  • Exposure Blending
  • Focus Stacking
  • Dual Processing
  • and much much more.

See a preview of the course HERE

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Mutant Mayhem

Ive been a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles since the time they were first released in comic books (I had some of the very early ones) and had some high hopes for this one.

First let me say, the animation was really incredible and well done. I think with the new animated full length movies like the 2 Spiderverse films, are really setting up a new genre. Hats off to the animators and director on this. Just wow.

That said, I could not stay awake during the film. This is a bad sign about the storyline and plot. I know it has high ratings on Rotten Tomatoes right now, but any movie that I give a fair chance to and am asleep within 10 minutes, is not a “must see” in theaters. This process of waking up, trying to get back into it and falling back asleep happened several times.

This is one you are going to want to skip.