LIfe in a Day

Caught “Life in a Day” the other night on Netflix. This was a very interesting idea, I am assuming based on a book series in the late 80’s called “A Day in the LIfe” where photographers all over the world would each submit images taken on one specific day.

This film does the same, except it is video submissions. It was strangely fascinating and major props go to the editors who put it together to be a co-hesive type film. The Russian Goat farmers make multiple appearances (the camera work with them was exceptionally good).

It is much more relevant and engaging than most of what’s playing in theaters these days.

If you are the “artsy” type, you will enjoy it. (just close your eyes on the cow scene).

If you chase two rabbits….

…both will escape. (This is an old Russian Saying, but I have heard the origin being from other places.)

Sometimes I chase 12-15 rabbits at the same time…when will I learn my lesson? Things are about to get really, really crazy on the ol blog. Really crazy.

Stuck on Earth App for iPad

Stuck on Earth is a tremendous iPad App for photographers and travelers alike, which will allow you to see interesting places through the eyes of great photographers. It’s absolutely free, and I see this as a great way to scout out locations when traveling abroad. I have a feeling this will become one of my most favorite apps. One note: Make sure you have a very fast wifi connection as it takes time to download images, if you dont have it the experience is diminished.

Highly Recommended!

Stuck on Earth App for iPad