08.31.2007 | Photography
The New Rocky Mountain Mattress website went live today. Why is this important to Michael Andrew readers? Well for one, if you are still sleeping on a regular spring mattress, please, for the love of yourself- get one of these things. You will spend about 1/3rd of your life in bed, with the average life span now hovering around 76, thats about 25 years…why not do it in the most comfortable way possible? Their memory foam mattresses are state of the art, form fit to your body and stay cool. Everyone I know that has one swears by them and I cannot ever possibly think of owning a regular mattress again. They even have bed toppers if you arent ready for a full upgrade. I consider my Rocky Mountain mattress one of the best purchases Ive made. Ok, now I am sounding like a commercial.
The second reason you should check out their new site is because it is covered with pictures taken by Michael Andrew. (This project took about 20 weeks of my life, even if it was within a one month period). I still cant really talk about what it was I did for them aside from plain pictures, but if you look closely, and understand photoshop you might be able to figure it out.
Rocky Mountain Mattress
08.30.2007 | Personal
On my way home from the airport Tuesday, Dave Mink and I somehow got onto the discussion of blind dating (and why it basically never works). After a few minutes he suggested “you really should put that on your blog”.
Hmmm….he is right….I am a Jedi Master of blind dating, – not because I do it a lot, but because I know the rules and how to avoid every single little trap blind dating can bring. To be a Jedi Master of Blind dating there are some very simple rules to follow which I will attempt to outline in a few entries in the next few weeks. Blind dating is a serious matter for everyone, even if you are married because typically married people are the ones who usually attempt to set you up with someone else.
Rule Number One- The Warning
When someone approaches you with the phrase “I have someone I want you to meet….” this is a prelude to a blind date. (You know….I dont even know why so many people attempt to set me up on blind dates, I mean look at me for crying out loud! Do you think I need help getting dates? Unfortuately, many people do think Michael Andrew needs help- I dont, I swear I am just extremely picky when it comes to dating. I guess the perception is that if a good looking guy is single for more than a few weeks, he needs help.)
Let me back up a little bit. When I was naive and actually believed blind dates could work, I actually went on them. During the course of a few blind dates, I realized something….most of my blind dates were insane. Think about the logic behind this…..the setter upper put you on a blind date with someone who is insane. Usually, the whole concept of blind dates is the setter upper thinks you are a good match with the person he/she is setting you up with.
Therefore, if you have ever gone on a blind date and the person you meet is insane, (or any other negative quality) it generally means that they think you too are….insane. Right? You are a good match. Do you think that would affect your relationship with the person who set you up?
So….a great tool for damage control….someone approaches and says “hey….I have someone I want you to meet” use the warning:
“I have to warn you, if you are thinking about setting me up on a blind date – it could really effect our relationship.”
The setter upper will then ask you why, after which you can explain what I just did about them subconsiously thinking you too are insane. 50% of the time, they will stop, think about it and say….”oh…well nevermind then”. ![]()
08.29.2007 | FUN!
On my plane ride home yesterday, the gentleman sitting next to me was wearing these Bose headphones. He asked me if I knew what they were and I didnt so, he told me to put them on and to turn the power switch on and off and listen for the difference. I was shocked….
There are several brands and models, but what these headphones do is basically listen to ambient noise, such as the hum of a jet engine, and then emit the opposite wavelength so they effectively cancel each other out. The result, near perfect silence…no jet hum. They run about $250-300 for a good set, but if you travel a lot and want some down time on your flights, this is the way to go. After doing some research, I have also found that a number of companies also offer similar models which allow you to listen to music, play video games, watch movies, etc, all which still canceling out ambient noise.
08.28.2007 | Photography
Finally…this has been on Canon’s drawing board for years. I thought they were going to release it last March, but it looks like it will be next week sometime. This could be the Nikon killer as it is weather sealed, has a jaw dropping 3 inch monitor, 10 + MP sensor, sensor cleaner, and live view capabilities. The only things I think Nikon does better at this point is its spot meter, (1 degree instead of 3) and its flash systems, and Canon is catching up quickly on the flash systems. One of the very best wedding photography teams I know of recently made the switch from Nikon to Canon, and I only know of 3 wedding photographers who still use Nikons.
I cant wait to get my hands on one of these new 40 D’s!![]()
08.27.2007 | Photography
Had a wonderful shoot this afternoon with my good friend Courtney at Memory Park in Salt Lake City. Courtney is an inspriation to me with how she handles her battle with cancer. If any of you reading this can be so kind to keep her in your prayers I know she would appreciate it.