More web development… The Michael Andrew Photography School

The Photography school shout be live within a few days- I will continue to develop it as we go, but the beginner lessons should be up soon….as in anyday.

I had this idea, and was convinced that I could figure it out even though I didnt have a clue about certain things, The Michael Andrew Photography School was put together in a very tedious way….it has taken weeks to figure it out, but it is being made in the following programs: Flash Video, Front Page and Photoshop. An interesting thing about the site is that it doesnt have ANY searchable fields…thats right -its all pictures and hot spots- my guess is that it will be invisible to search engines which means….the only people who will see it will be by referal. Ive had a lot of people ask about it, I love finishing the videos and posting them.

This first site is really a starting point, I will imagine it will continue to change and develop, but this school will eventually turn into a very HUGE opportnuity shortly- for everyone, Just know that I am working on 4 major projects, all of which are really incredible, some I cannot talk about. But you will know when the big things happen.

For those of you who dont know….I am an insomniac,…..I usually sleep from 6am-11am. Many nights I wont sleep at all. I cant stand it, my body feels tired, but my mind is racing…I cant stop…..does anyone have any suggestions?
(Besides marriage, ambien and melatonin- id be willing to try just about anything. Yes I am asking for input….I am listening. 🙂

Jesse’s BDay Party

Today we had a surprise party for Jesse Ann, Daves wife. Shes expecting! It was a nice get together with about 15 or so friends and their children.. It’s funny because when I am with my friends in these social settings, if I have my camera I just start taking pictures and when they aren’t used to it…they may feel a little nervous or wonder why I wont put my camera down. When it’s all said and done though, they usually want copies. 🙂 I like to take pictures of my friends.…there is nothing else I would rather be doing. Today we had a surprise party for Jesse Ann, Daves wife. Shes expecting! It was a nice get together with about 15 or so friends and their children.. It’s funny because when I am with my friends in these social settings, if I have my camera I just start taking pictures and when they aren’t used to it…they may feel a little nervous or wonder why I wont put my camera down. When it’s all said and done though, they usually want copies. 🙂 I like to take pictures of my friends.…there is nothing else I would rather be doing.

Initial Photoshop CS3 Review

I like to spend at least an hour each morning sharpening the saw, usually either on Photoshop or Dreamweaver. I have been using Photoshop CS3 for about a week now and have two contradicting thoughts about it:

1. Photoshop is getting so thick that a non-photoshopper wouldn’t be able to learn the program’s full capabilities before the next version was available. I can’t see how anyone who hasn’t used photoshop for a few years can appreciate the things it can do, especially some of the new things. In this sense, Adobe maybe making a product too powerful. It has taken me years to learn how to understand how to manipulate layers. The conceptual part of Photoshop is still very, very deep and I have much to learn.

2. Some of the new tools are incredible. I have been particularly impressed with the new quick selection tool. Having used it recently on the mattress project, I had the urge to send Adobe a check for $100 just because this tool is so sweet. Photoshop’s tools are getting easier to use.

Finally, I realized that unless I had spent the last 8 years using the other awkward selection tools, I couldn’t appreciate the goodness of something better.

Life is like that….I think sometimes we go through really crappy things in order to learn to appreciate the good things. If bad things didn’t happen to us, we couldn’t be grateful for the good.
I like to spend at least an hour each morning sharpening the saw, usually either on Photoshop or Dreamweaver. I have been using Photoshop CS3 for about a week now and have two contradicting thoughts about it:

1. Photoshop is getting so thick that a non-photoshopper wouldn’t be able to learn the program’s full capabilities before the next version was available. I can’t see how anyone who hasn’t used photoshop for a few years can appreciate the things it can do, especially some of the new things. In this sense, Adobe maybe making a product too powerful. It has taken me years to learn how to understand how to manipulate layers. The conceptual part of Photoshop is still very, very deep and I have much to learn.

2. Some of the new tools are incredible. I have been particularly impressed with the new quick selection tool. Having used it recently on the mattress project, I had the urge to send Adobe a check for $100 just because this tool is so sweet. Photoshop’s tools are getting easier to use.

Finally, I realized that unless I had spent the last 8 years using the other awkward selection tools, I couldn’t appreciate the goodness of something better.

Life is like that….I think sometimes we go through really crappy things in order to learn to appreciate the good things. If bad things didn’t happen to us, we couldn’t be grateful for the good.
This is my new hero….the Photoshop Quick Selection tool….its incredible!

The Simpsons Movie

Caught the late night showing of the Simpsons Movie at Midnight. From the looks of the previews we are in for a LONG and very LAME fall. (With the exception of a few movies…the best kept secret: I Am Legend with Will Smith- That movie should rock). It seems that Hollywood is desperate for new material- its either comic books, remakes, or movies that may be slightly profitable, yet not good movies.

I grew up on the Simpsons, and although I havent watched it regularly in at least 10 years- my friend Doug summed it up best. “It was basically two Simpsons episodes put together”. It felt like it too. At just over an hour, I was very very ready to leave.

There were some truly funny moments, the biggest (or smallest) of the whole movie was a particular scene with Bart on his skateboard when Homer dared him to ride naked. You will not be ready for what you will see- we were all shocked and laughing our heads off.

Im going to have to give this one a thumbs down, especially after the fact Homer boldly points out what is going on in the very beginning of the movie, I thought it was funny at first, then I realized he wasnt kidding. If you are on the fence on this one…wait for the rental or avoid it all together.

Cool Web Site Review – Dig Station

Check this out- This is an indie vesion of iTunes. Its a fantastic idea! Basically if you are an unsigned musician and have a CD made with one of DIGStations partners, you can sell them online to anyone for .99 cents. It looks like they will eventually open it up for anyone and everyoneDig Station