02.17.2023 | Movie Reviews
I loved the first Ant Man movie, and thought as a character they had really maximized what was possible with him around Civil War, as before the first movie he wasn’t on my radar.
I was very disappointed with Quantumania. Antman movies are getting progressively worse.
Again, we have this situation where it feels like the producers believe that using branding, A listers and lots of special effects can somehow make up for extremely weak writing. If you saw the previews you already have watched this movie more or less. Very few truly funny lines. Some parts were painful to watch (the Bill Murray scene for example) here you have this amazing actor and they way they edited and wrote his lines, they weren’t able to really take advantage of his comedic prowess.
This is a no go. ![]()
02.08.2023 | Movie Reviews
If you go in with lower expectations, it was actually pretty solid! Felt super low budget, but good storyline and many twists and turns that will keep you guessing. Recommended!

02.04.2023 | Movie Reviews
I consider myself a big M.Night fan. He is clearly talented and I used to tell myself I would see anything he made, but after watching Knock at the Cabin I am not sure anymore. There were two main problems I had with it:
1. This is really a 10-15 minute concept that was stretched out to be a full length film. If you have watch the preview, you know everything about the movie, and can probably figure out how it unfolds.
(A Spoiler In Password: Cabin)
2. There were waaaaay to many scenes & themes of what amounted to taking ones own life. This wasn’t something that popped up once or twice, it was literally through the whole movie, often in an extremely graphic way, and I felt like it was trying to make the argument of normalizing or justifying it. Definitely not a fan of that.
For this reason, I would say skip it all together. ![]()