Welcome to Michael’s blog. Michael Andrew, (aka Michael The Maven) is a freelance producer, photography instructor, tech innovator, and when needed, disaster aid specialist. Disclaimer: Michael is a participant in Bhphoto & Amazon affiliate programs that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through links on this website.
Just got word this morning that the Canon Rebel T2i Crash Course Training DVDs have arrived and are preparing to ship. Pre-Order customers are given priority and will be the first out the door (most should be out today or at latest on Monday). If you live in the US, you should be getting them on time. Thank you for you support!
Its a little cheesy but I like the message. (One thing that is definitely true about it is how you can effect the types of smiles you get from your subjects by how you talk with them. The “Have you ever modeled?” is usually money! 🙂
This is very cool- Ive been wondering it there was a way to do this and am glad to see someone has. I personally would go with a Canon T2i, simply because its lighter (and cheaper- it WILL eventually crash)- but dang! Great great video! Thank you to the forum readers who tipped me off to it!
Bought a pair of these for my Haiti trip, and while I didn’t end up bringing them, Ive been wearing them since I got back and I have to say, they are ridiculously comfortable. I have the brown ones above, but if you have never heard of them, you should visit their website because they have styles and sizes for everyone, including dress shoes, hiking boots, water proof diving boots, kids, womens, etc. Ive seen them popping up in sporting goods stores now too, try them on if you get a chance!
Ive been going through some of my Haiti pictures and found many I haven’t posted. Eventually I am going to have to sit down and really document everything we did, I kept a journal of every day and have some good notes. Here are some of the images I thought you might find interesting. ALL of them were taken with the Canon 7D on the weirdly wonderful Tamron 18-275 lens. This is a picture of the stink canal (aka a public city dump) – living within a very short stones throw for 3 weeks was miserable because it always stank. A homeless boy we met on our first day scouting. He wanted water. And we think our day jobs are tough! 🙂 Thats another thing I noticed about the Haitians- man, they work hard and I dont recall seeing hardly anyone overweight.The US embassy was swarmed by hundreds (if not thousands) of Haitians everyday. Most of them had fake US Passports and they were trying to get on evac flights out. The Marines wouldnt let Mathieu through unless I told them he was with me and was a legit US Citizen. We later let them use our sat phones to call home and say hi to their families. This was the morning Brian and Rick went back to the US. These Haitian men all wanted work from me and Mathieu, I had to choose who could stay on and had to turn the rest away. Not easy. This little girl is doing her homework by flashlight. Keep in mind this was taken about 10 days after the quake destroyed her home. Determined!This is a local street kid- He learned Mathieu and my name and would beg us for food every single day. Mathieu would sneak out leftovers to him after dark. On a mission in City Solei- One of the most dangerous cities in the world. This is near the main police station. Im not trying to be racist or anything, but do you see many white people in this crowd? Especially in the first 2 weeks, I almost never saw another white person outside of secure facilities. This was a big issue for many aid workers and what I feel was the reason food wasn’t moving-, the perception of getting killed/beaten/mugged/starting a riot vs. the actual danger of Haitian’s starving. If an aid truck would have pulled up to this crowd and started handing out food it would have exploded into a riot, so aid workers had to pick their time and place to distribute, and make sure they had security (usually the 82nd or UN)
As time went on, and especially once we left it seemed as if aid was flowing and aid workers were ubiquitous.