Welcome to Michael’s blog. Michael Andrew, (aka Michael The Maven) is a freelance producer, photography instructor, tech innovator, and when needed, disaster aid specialist. Disclaimer: Michael is a participant in Bhphoto & Amazon affiliate programs that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through links on this website.
In 2019, Pro Maui Wedding Photographer Scott Drexler made the jump from his Canon 5Diiis to Canon RPs, which he has been shooting with since. Here are his thoughts on the Canon R5, R6, Rp, R, 20 vs 45 MPix, why he is upgrading again and much more. Basically 2 camera nerds talking about cameras- Enjoy!
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A very slow burning, beautifully shot, well acted cop/murder investigation, mystery-thriller with an ending that is just something you would never expect. It was nice to get back into the theater again (my escape place) to just relax and watch a movie, but as amazing as everything else was about it, the ending will leave you feeling…off. I can’t say more without ruining it. Its definitely a rental, see it in theaters if you like this genre and miss the silver screen.
Face detection is a incredible tool for portrait and wedding photographers. Many shooters however run into problems when shooting group photos, when wanting to direct it to a specific individual of the group. As good as the face/eye detection algorithm is, it will not know which person you want to get it dialed in on, unless you we tell it specifically. This is the lighting fast eye/face detection technique I recommend, with 3 backup plans just in case the first doesn’t work.
1:15 The Question / Problem
2:08 Customization of Camera
5:14 Saving to C1 Slot for Easy Access
6:04 Demonstration of Lightning Eye Detection Targeting Technique
7:15 3 Other Options when Things go Wrong
This one is on Amazon Prime. It felt really low budget, like almost as if someone had like $20,000 and access to tanks. As the movie progressed, I was like “this is so terrible its good!” and I kept watching. Yes it has a stellar 11% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but it was a perfect guilty pleasure movie.
I was so impressed with the special effects, I did research on it and turns out it had a $72 million Dollar budget, and was directed by Luc Besson. Ah, that explains it! It only grossed 2 million in the box office, I never even heard of it, but yes- if you like goofy action movies, you will love it.
We have had about 8-10 Canon R5 users who have copies of the R5 that are unable to get a tack sharp image with any lens on the body, including RF’s and Primes.
I know that in at least 2 cases, Canon support has fixed / repaired the issue and has diagnosed it as a “misaligned sensor mount”, and in the other cases, much to the dismay of the users, Canon is saying there is nothing wrong with the cameras. I also know it was the service center in Costa Mesa, Ca that has repaired one of them correctly (and it is now working fine).
I have known one of the photographers this is affecting for about 10 years. He upgraded from a 5Dii. Imagine saving your money, buying your dream camera (the R5), ousting it under the Christmas Tree and then finding it doesnt work, sending it in to Canon who is now saying its fine. I have seen his images, it is not fine.
Canon needs to communicate better with its own repair and service centers to make sure the issue is known, and we can help these users get their cameras working correctly.
Also, make sure you check your R5s as soon as you get them!