The Irishman

Martin Scorsese is legitimately one of the most talented directors of our time. Anyone interested in filmmaking should study him, and again here he is with an incredible crime /mob story. It is long (3.5 hours) but just incredible as a story. Top named actors, Al Pachino is one of my favorites.

That said, I have a problem with it, namely that it is based on a real life hitman that actually killed people, and the story is significant because it is based on a book that explains what might have happened to Jimmy Hoffa. The morals of the main character are so gut wrenching it will give you nightmares and the fact that this is about an actual person that did these things, it felt like the film was glorifying him. Im not a huge fan of movies that glorify criminals, its a reward / notoriety for their evil actions, seems culturally inappropriate.

Incredible movie, but bad juju. I probably would have preferred to not watch it.

Black Friday Special – 25% Off Entire Store – Michael The Maven Crash Courses

Many of you have asked for a BLACK FRIDAY coupon on my camera training videos, here it is! We also have a ton of cool accessories, including the new Maven Mini Mic Kit (Very limited supply), my Maven Filters, camera straps and much more! Many of our regular prices have been temporarily reduced, so you can enjoy huge savings on those as well. Happy thanks giving everyone!

Black Friday 25% Off Coupon Code: maven25

Find your camera tutorial video now at

Michael’s Maven Gear section

Maven Mini Mic
only 10 units for the sale, first come first serve, all additional orders will be fulfilled sometime the first week in January

Maven Filters
100X100MM ND1000 10Stop

MAVEN 84X84MM ND1000 10 STOP



Business Crash Course DVD

Knives Out

There is some really good writing, but the amount of patience it requires to get to the payoff is too much. The first half of the movie is boring and mostly police interviews. Felt like it was making me work for what I wanted to be recreation. Maybe a rental if you loved the board game Clue. 🙂

Top 5 Photography Upgrades For Beginners | Why Cameras Should Be Last

I’ve had so many questions recently about the path for upgrading for beginners and what they should get first, a new lens or a new body? My answer is those should be last, there is one thing far more important than any piece of gear. If you focus on it, you will be better overall and it will stick with you forever. Do not rely on buying shiny new toys to make you a better photographer!

Michael’s Training Videos

Michael’s Maven Straps