The Pocket Rig

The Pocket Rig is a light weight stabilizing system for your DSLR that helps reduce camera movie movement for when you are not able to use a tripod. The base rig is $299.00, but you can buy additional accessories to suit your needs. You can learn more about The Pocket Rig HERE

The Raven

Hey everybody, Adam here. I went and saw the new movie based on Edgar Allen Poe called The Raven. The movie starts with a serial killer using Poe’s poems for inspiration to kill his victims and Poe is the only one who can stop him. The trailer for this film looked better than the actual movie. It seemed to move really slow and I was hoping for something more along the lines of the new Sherlock Holmes movies. Overall it was a decent movie and would recommend waiting for it to come out on DVD.

HIgh Def Look for Movies

For Peter Jackson’s new movie, “The Hobbit”, he has decided to film the entire movie at 48fps over the traditional 24fps. Shooting at a higher frame rate is said to be better for films that are going to be 3D because it puts less strain on the eyes. The one draw back that some moviegoers will not like is the overall look of the film. Shooting at 48fps will give the film a “Day Time Soap” look like you might see on TV. At a recent convention for movie theater owners, Jackson showcased ten minutes of the footage with mixed reviews. The higher frame rate will require movie theaters to upgrade their projectors, so not all theaters may be equipped to showcase the film at 48fps at the time of release. Only time will tell if all movies will be filmed with higher frame rates. has more info on the debate.

The PostSecret Project is a site started by Frank Warren in 2004 where people from all around the world mail him a postcard anonymously with a secret they want to share on it. Some of the secrets are funny, sad, and meaningful. Frank recently spoke at the TED(Technology Entertainment Design) conference and shared some of his postcards he has received, about 500,000 to date.

Google Drive

Google announced their Cloud based storage service yesterday called Google Drive. It allows you to upload your files and then have the ability to access them from anywhere in the world. You will have the ability to share video, images, PDFs, ect. The pricing for storage is really affordable as well. You get 5GB for free and then you can choose to upgrade to 25GB for $2.49/month, 100GB for $4.99/month or even 1TB for $49.99/month. You can learn more about Google’s new service by clicking here