Top 10 Things You Didn’t know about DXO Marks Sensor Scores

Probably the most commonly asked question I get on my YouTube Channel is why my ISO scores differ than DXO Mark’s sensor test scores. Having answered this question repeatedly, it became clear to me that those who ask may not fully understand everything they need to about DXO’s scores, what they are and how they are graded. This information is all on DXO Mark’s website, but it tends to be a little buried, in very small text and hard to find. This video is a summary of the most important things to know about their scores.

Probably the most commonly asked question I get on my YouTube Channel is why my ISO scores differ than DXO Mark’s sensor test scores. Having answered this question repeatedly, it became clear to me that those who ask may not fully understand everything they need to about DXO’s scores, what they are and how they are graded. This information is all on DXO Mark’s website, but it tends to be a little buried, in very small text and hard to find. This video is a summary of the most important things to know about their scores.

What did I miss?

On a personal note, the only score I really look at on DXO Mark is their Dynamic Range test, which seems to be very consistent with my own testing. I do not look at their overall score because it doesnt make sense to me, the color score doesn’t seem to matter much over 22 bits by their own definition and the ISO score to me is not useful because cameras with better DR and color will get a better ISO score. That is all just my personal opinion.

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Reference Information:

DXO Website

How DXO Scores:

Other Great Articles about DXO’s Scores:

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