So today I signed up for a trial run with Get Friday, the virtual assistant company, mostly out of pure unadulterated curiosity, as a “just try it out” kind of a gig. The thing is, in order to get the most out of it, they really do need to have at least one of your credit cards to have purchasing power…..which brings us to the next entry…..
I dont know, but does the idea of a team of strangers having your credit card and purchasing power make you just a little nervous? I am highly paranoid about things like this, so….I decided to also “try” out pre-paid credit cards. The worst that can happen is I would lose the $$$ on the card, but thats it. I heard about these and wanted to try them anyway, but in this case, I will send my pre-paid credit card information to my VA and she can use it to buy things I need, when the balance gets low, you just put more on there. I know it will all work out, but until they have my trust, Id rather go this route.
It was very easy to get this set up, cost $10 and you can reload it at the store you buy it from (I got mine at a CVS here in Tuscaloosa, I heard Walmart is going to start carrying them as well). The fine print says it also costs $5 a month to maintain, but for now, I think its worth it.
Great idea going this route to prtect your credit card privacy. One thing I wanted to ask though, what exactly do they need to purchase on your behalf? I thought it would have been an all inclusive cost to operate the team.
the cost only covers their work time, I may need them to hire a web programmer, by me a lens or send a card to a client, depends on what my needs are. This allows them to purchase things on my behalf.
WOW!! That is really TOTAL service! I am amazed at how much they do. Is this all offsite meaning out of the USA, because I would wonder the quality and availability of product.
my understanding is that this is one of the best VA companies in the world. They screen their employees who have to go through back ground and security checks in addition to speaking English proficiently. They will do just about anything you need that is legal and doesnt require them to be there. Can be a huge time saver if used wisely. Because the power of the dollar is so much stronger there, you can hire a Masters Level educated VA for $7-10 an hour. You can get Phds for $14-16. Similar services are available in the US, but because this is run out of India, you can get so much more bang for your buck, and from what I hear, these guys are very, very good.
I’m so excited that you’re acting as the guinea pig on this one! I was thinking the same thing about having them investigate and hire a Web developer for me, so I’m anxious to see how your scenario goes!
I’m so anxious to hear how this is works for you. I’m very interested about hiring a web designer and this sounds like it might be the best route as far as $$ goes. Very smart thinking with the prepaid card!!