Ive been meaning to post this for some time. Everyone has their favorite pizza delivery- Im indifferent among the majors, Papa Johns, Dominos, Pizza Hut- They are all pretty good. A Little Ceasars opened down the street and sells $5 large- I dont know how they do it, and I like them too. The question is…who makes a truly fine bake-it-yourself pizza. I decided an individual taste test done by myself, that would be Michael Andrew. The test involved no less than three large pepporoni pizzas, Digiorno, Red Baron and Sam’s Club.
Overall quality, I would have to say I am most impressed with the Sam’s Club pizza…barely, however due to its high cost per pizza, I will give Digiorno the crown in this face off. (you can buy 3 digiornos for the cost of one Sams Club),
The Red Baron pizza was awful…great looking box, but tasted like cardboard. I could taste the love in the Digiorno, the pepporoni’s even seemed to be strategically placed.
If you like pizza and havent tried one, you will be surprised. Why spend $15 for a large when a single Digiorno runs just over $3?I have been crazy busy finishing the Rocky Mountain Mattress project. It is sooooo cool! Wish I could tell you everything about it. Looking forward to wrapping it up on Saturday.
After reading about your pizza, I am craving some.
As a tip Michael Andrew, I recommened trying Broadway Pizza by my house. It is very good–mom and pop shop.
thad- lets go try it out sometime…I am always up for a good pizza!