Ladies and Gentlemen! The day has come!
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Kindle App for AndroidWe are going to do everything possible to get the word out, but because this is a limited time offer, my recommendation would be to download it as soon as possible before it expires.
I’ve worked very hard for many years to finish this book, so I am very excited to be able to give it away to my faithful blog readers!
If you enjoy The Efficiency Playbook, I would be thrilled to have you review it as well!
Limited time FREE OFFER Efficiency Playbook right now on Amazon:
Your so called Free copy of "The Efficiency Playbook" is the proverbial Needle in a haystack
@Brian- So true. There are 3500 new books published everyday, and I am learning that it is nearly impossible to market it without direct competition. Most books are sold on Amazon, and they have restrictions about giving it away off site (Im not allowed to for the first 3 months).
Were you having any issues downloading it to your kindle app?