I just wanted to throw this out because its available for everyone who reads this blog, as well as any of the thousands of blogs out there and I know most of you read several blogs.

Search engines categorize websites by sending out programs called bots to read web pages for specific clues, and then in turn rank these websites in their databases. When a potential client searches a certain term, a list of websites will be presented based on what the bot found.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization, is the science (or art) of leaving enough coding clues on the internet to get search engines to recognize web pages as highly relevant to the search string.

One of the most important things bots look for is hyperlinks to and from your website.

My blog in particular has been set up so when a comment is left, if you leave your blog or website address with your name, that becomes a hyperlink to you website. You can see which comments are hyperlinked by looking for an underline beneath the name of the person who left it.

This hyperlinking is good for 2 reasons:

1. My blog readers can click on your link and could very well become fans/clients of your website.

2. The bots will see this and in turn help your site’s search engine rankings.

Its most likely that comments on my Blog will help photographer websites (because most of my entries are about photography) but you want to get as many hyperlinks out there as you can. (without it being overkill, as in 100 links on the same page). The more pages with links to your site, the more relevant your site becomes to the bot.

So, I guess what I am saying is, if you have a website and are looking to get more traffic and better rankings, just leave your web address with your comment. Its a win-win tool for all of us and its there for you to use. (But please, keep it relevant!! No spamming for the wrong kinds of sites!) 🙂