I have many videos available for free both on my school and Youtube, but the videos I am talking about when I discuss piracy are entire DVDs (including tons of otherwise unavailable footage). I never would have understood what a huge problem this was until I actually got burned by it. I think it is extremely messed up, and I regularly get emails from individual’s trying to scam me in different ways with regards to the video. A common technique is from customers who register with the store, then dont order anything, then email me asking where their video is. Its pretty easy for me to see who actually paid for something and who didnt.
This little clip is something I am putting into the middle of all of my DVDs (as if someone was pirating or burning it, it would be a tremendous pain to edit out.) The figures are actually much worse than less than a half percent…I can only imagine what would have happened if I was paid for even half or even 20% of what is ripped off from me.
I sincerely thank everyone who has purchased my videos fair and square. You are the minority and I greatly appreciate it. All of this wouldnt be possible without you.
If you are one of those people who have ripped off a video from me, you really should just buy one in the store and compensate me for my work. Your honesty and integrity is worth so much more than $40. You wouldnt like it if your employer wanted to pay you less than 1% for what you do, and the same is true with me.
Why do so many people think piracy is ok?
Michael, sorry to hear that.
I think people who do that are those who might have never been in your shoes. They never never experience sweat, tear and frustration on how to build an excellent product. Because of that, they do not appreciate the value of a product, and choose the piracy path.
Others might be people who actually want to get the original one, but can’t afford it (especially people outside U.S from third world countries, for example).
I’m proud to support you Michael, I seriously cant even put a price on what I have learned from the XSI training video. It felt so nice to get back behind a camera, and having you there to help guide me along the way.
Have you ever considered dropping the price of the DVD’s and making them only available on apples store for download?
thats incredible. I knew pirating is an issue, I just didnt know it was to that degree.
I think it is great that you are putting that into your DVDs. I purchased the Photoshop Crash Course DVD, so no piracy involved for me. I am happy to help support your hard work.
On a side note, Michael has an amazing family. I get to see them interact with each other once a week and the amount of love they show for each other is like nothing I have encountered before. I am sure that he is able to get through most of these things that happen, because of the great support network he has back here in HI.
Thanks so much for your support. None of this would be possible without the very few who do actually pay, including those who have decided to purchase their own copy. Thank you. Being honest always feels better. 🙂
WOW – those are HUGE statistics!…that’s really sad. Good idea having this in the middle of the video, just a friendly reminder for Pirates!!! Arrr!
Oh I perfectly understand the Piracy issues out there. I know you work hard, Michael. I was completely pissed for you when my friend said that she saw your video in a store rack, and you only sold via your store.
Whether or not that DVD actually existed or was illegally sold there, I can not say. But I did try to find out for you.
I do appreciate you and your hard work to bring photography to the masses.