I was checking my stats tonight for the blog and I realized there are people from all over the world visiting! In the last week alone, Ive had visitors from Austrailia, Estonia, the Phillipines, the UK, Ireland, Iceland, Romania, Malaysia, Moldova, Estonia, Germany, Canada, Honduras, as well as most the states in the US. The funny thing is, I know I have a lot more visitors than what my stat page is showing, for example, I know both my parents check, but I have no visits from where they live….so……
I thought I would throw this out there:
If you post your name, email address (to contact you), and where you are visiting from, you will be entered to win one of the first finished copies of my new photography DVD. It includes the best advice I can possibly give to beginning photographers, and I go into detail how I think when I approach images. While the DVD is specifically for the Canon 40 D, it covers so many topics….ANY beginning or intermediate photographer using ANY camera will benefit from it. I will draw names and send the winner a copy at no charge to them.
If you live in Alabama, you will be entered to win a free 1 hour photography shoot, by yours truly, thats…me. (A $250 value) Even if you are a recent client and you are good on the photos, you may give it to someone you feel would benefit from it.
I will draw winners one week from today, Feb 7th 2008 and announce the winners on the 8th.
Dont be shy, please say hi!
Tuscaloosa, Alabama….did I mention what a handsome guy you are?
I would love to win the shoot so I can try AGAIN for a decent family picture. Little John Evan would not cooperate last time!
This will be a neat contest to see where people are visiting from!
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Pick me, pick me! Visiting from Tulare, CA
lee’s summit, mo
Kaysville, UTAH wahooooo! I have an awesome friend in Alabama who might like the photo-shoot! 🙂
St Charles, MO
This 40D is maybe overkill for product shots but at least I can learn how to handle the camera for other shots. And that’s why I’m here!
Northport, AL
We live right down the road in Tuscaloosa, Alabama!
Chelsea, AL
Lee Potter, from Grand Blanc, MI. Just getting into Photography. Found your School site very informitive.
Colchester, Essex , UK
i have recently purchest the 40d
& i have enjoyed your short demo’s on you tube far beter than reading text
Thanks everyone for playing! If you are a new visitor just say hi and let us know where you are from! We will have new contests coming shortly!
Well I am def to late for the DVD!! Found your site working the 6pm to 6am shift! Love the photography lessons!!! Awesome stuff! THX from Colorado Springs Colorado
Hey, is this still on?? I’m from Malaysia. Just bought a G9. Lucky, I found your vids on youtube… it helps a lot… keep it up…