Just a heads up- my websites might go down for a day or two. Seems there have been a lot of issues with the hosting company having some problems with other customers flooding their database servers which in turn slows my store and forum down. They have agreed to move it to a more stable server. Im also in the process of having a new store built and some cool upgrades being made on the forum, keep an eye out for these.
I am so sorry for any problems anyone may have experienced.
Ive been working like crazy on the XSi DVD, should have something completed this afternoon.
I have a long way to go. I am a makeup artist with the intention of going into photography professionally. I have started taking classes and still dont have a clue.
Ive been there bisi…ok maybe I wasnt a make up artist, but all photographers started where you are. Please feel free to watch my lessons at my photography school. 🙂