Hey everybody..Adam here. Michael wanted me to update you guys on where he is and what he is doing.
From Michael:
“Landed yesterday in Yangon City, after connecting in Bangkok. Its warm and humid here, much like Haiti. The people are beautiful and are very kind and humble. I feel like a giant here, most grown men and women come to my chest at most. I think they are very interested in seeing a foreigner as well because I am getting a lot of stares. I smile and wave or take pictures of them if I can (I would post them, but like I said I have very limited internet connection). I have already taken many, many great pictures. I am certain I will have to dump my 32GB cards to my laptop to make room for this week. We are doing a special evening shoot for the Light Festival at the Shwedagon Pagoda (its like a huge temple), should be pretty spectacular opportunity. Had breakfast this morning at a local market, very interesting looking and tasting food. Paul Broman (who invited me) is very knowledgeable and well connected. His ambassador friend was able to get us special permission to travel to another light festival tomorrow in a town called Shwe Kyin. My understanding is that not only are we the first photographers to be allowed into the city, we will also be the first foreigners allowed. The ambassador’s son told me: “Permission for you to do this came directly from the Vice President (of Myanmar), it is a special honor.” I feel deeply appreciative for this opportunity and it only motivates me to do a very, very good job with the photography and capture the people and culture in a way that reflects their true humble and kind nature. I am very excited for tonight and tomorrow.”
What an honor Michael, congrats, you’ll do just fine you’re the Maven…!