It will be some time before we have the information about what happened today and who is behind it, but these attacks were cowardly, sickening and completely terroristic, regardless of whomever was behind it. These were innocent men, women and children who were attending a sporting event, not combatants of war. My deepest condolences go out to the families of lost loved ones, those injured and those traumatized, and it is hard to want to talk about anything not related to this event. Everything else, photography, all my own struggles just seem so insignificant now.
As a side note and as a friend, I also want to point out that terrorist attacks by nature are designed to leave a psychological impact on anyone who views them. My advice would be to make a conscious decision to use this as a way to strengthen gratitude, love of neighbor, determination and resilience instead of looking for and pondering the obvious negative seeds that our enemies wish to sow in our minds. It is a reminder that the world is full of people who hate the United States, but it is also a reminder that what we have is worth fighting for.
I agree, anytime someone harms another regardless of the inner justification, its an act of cowardice, based on stuff people make up inside their heads,hmmm