CNN asked me yesterday to make a quick video about the story behind taking Evan’s picture. (As far as I know, all contestants are being asked and this doesn’t indicate anything as far as the contest goes). Only a day or two left of voting, I don’t expect to win, because there are so many other great stories, but it really has been a great honor to be selected and I really appreciate so many of you who have been so supportive.
Story Behind Buried for the Last Four Weeks
Thank you for the reminder to vote again. Also, great story. I rarely have a bad day, but when I think I am having one, I will keep Evan in my mind. If I am able to do that, then I just might be able to say that I never have a bad day.
Great report Michael
Something that’s always bothered me about all this, is profiting from the suffering of others. Personally I think the real hero’s are the one’s who humbled themselves and stayed.
@Thomas: Personally, I’m willing to bet you have never taken the life threatening risks that Mike took to go down their or any other 3rd world country. Everyone can’t go and stay forever. What a disgusting statement you made: Do you have any idea the amount of his personal money he spent to do that? How much money did you send down as you sat on your sofa watching the events unravel in front of your big screen?
I only looked at one other story and I think your’s is still the breast. I mean best!!
@Thomas. I don’t know Michael all that well, but I believe there is an incredibly humble side of him, because he put his own life on hold when he went down there. When all of this happened, I believe he had plans to move to Maui at that time and he was busy with his business. He dropped everything and left without regard for his own safety or health. In reading his blog while he was there, it was never about him. He was desperate to locate orphanages and camps, so food and suplies could be delivered. He didn’t even bring all his photographic equipment, because it wasn’t his priority. He even stated that photo was taken with an iPhone. If people did not photograph events and send them back to us, we would never know first hand what devastation took place. People need to have their stories told. Evan is the hero for surviving. Michael helped tell his story. Then Michael had some very tragic things happen in his life, and once again, went back there to help. These are not the actions of a selfish person, but of somebody who cares about the welfare of the greatest number of people. He never put himself first.
@Thomas …. Pretty low man.
Great report Mike!
Kjersti, I think you’re right on.
@ Thomas….Before you make such a bold statement, I would advise you to walk a mile in Michael shoe’s! There is saying " You can tell a lot about someone by their shoes." Well, I have seen the soles of Michael’s shoes. Have you looked at your soles lately???
Dear Thomas,
I pray your conscience is clear enough to make a statement like that. Its never been about Michael. Thats the part you dont seem to get.
My conscious is very clear and has nothing to do with my statement that the real hero’s are still there. Living in that state 24/7 for 365 days. Not once did I mention Michaels name and it had nothing to do with him but you obviously assumed.
Then, if you had the decency to ask me to define instead of assuming I might have told you that a real hero in my opinion is a person who dedicates their life to a cause. Someone like Martin Luther or Mother Teresa. Those are the kinds of people who put others first without any thoughts to rewards or self glorification. Get it ?????.
Thomas, if you express yourself and are misunderstood by a half dozen people, the fault is in your own inability to communicate. First you imply that somehow Michael is benefiting from this and was not a hero for leaving, then you backpedal, then imply it again. So which is it? Secondly, Michael was selected by CNN for this award and he has never called himself a hero, even though he is in my book. I know that when he went down there it was on his own time and dime. If you read his posts while he was in Haiti, his life was in danger on a daily basis, he contracted Malaria and only left when he finally got food poisoning. It sounds as if you know absolutely nothing about what Michael and Mathieu did down there.