Some things that I learned yesterday was that the Church (see above picture) was only a part of the Alamo, it was really a walled fort, or stronghold. The church is probably recognized as “The Alamo” because it is the largest remaining structure. This is an amazing depiction of the Fort on the morning of the attack by artist Gary Zoboly. The Date was March 6th, 1836. One thing I didn’t like was the way the tour guides treated guests in the inside of the church A.K.A “The Shrine”. I understand what they are trying to do: They essentially have turned the church into a “Shrine” which means there are some rules they intend to enforce, but the IN YOUR FACE way they did it was absolutely absurd.

Obviously no photography, but to yell at someone for wearing a hat, accidentally brushing a wall with a shoulder or checking the clock on his or her cell phone is just ridiculous. I’m not kidding when I say yell or in your face either. I felt so bad for people when I saw this, that it just wasn’t worth it for me anymore and I left. I hate to see people put on the spot like that. If they absolutely have to enforce rules like these, they should do so in a more kind manner and tone.

This guy below however, did an awesome job- he gave a brief oral history of the fort and the battle and it was much appreciated. They had a large assortment of Bowie Knives. I dont think I was supposed to take this, but I did anyway.And to me this was the more significant historical building of the Alamo, it was where the final stand was fought. Apparently they had barricaded themselves here, and the Mexican Army turned the Alamo’s own captured cannons against them.

Overall it was a really great experience, despite the whole Shrine experience, and I would highly recommend it to anyone. To read more about this historic battle, click here: The Battle of the Alamo