Had a great shoot with Teri and her family the other day. Teri is a good friend who decided it was time for a photo shoot and took the initiative to hire me, despite the fact that I live in Alabama. Thats right, I flew out to Utah for this shoot, otherwise I would have gone home after Cortni and Sky’s shoot. – so I would like to thank Teri for believing in me. I enjoy working with people who know what they want and like my work. Cortni was the same way, she saw my work, liked it and knew what she wanted. This is exactly who I want to give my everything for.
This is Teri- great eyes!
Josh her son…I wonder if he has ever considered a career as a professional model?
This is her oldest daughter Kelsey. She has about 20 amazing pictures like this.
Haley, her younger daughter. I liked working with her, she was very chill in front of the camera.
My man Caden- This picture was actually posed- not spontaneous in any way. He has several like this. Good job Caden!
Jacob- one tough moving target, but after a bribe of candy, it was all over.
Cassy- Josh’s girlfriend, taken from above the jungle gym! (sorry if I misspelled your name!)
And finally, Kelsey and Matt (her male love interest) together. 🙂
Such an awesome, fun family. So many great pictures, I wish I could post them all here! Thanks again Teri! Let me know what you think!
You are amazing…we had so much fun =) Thanks Mike!
You guys did great! thank you for a wonderful shoot! I loved meeting everyone!
Thank you so much…I had so much fun and I love my pictures! You’re awesome!
You guys are going to LOVE the rest!
You’re right—LOVE the pics!! Can’t wait to have you shoot Kel and Matt’s Wedding 😉