Stort – An American slang term formed from the two words “stop” and “short”. The definition of “to stort” something means, to use something up in its functional entirety yet to leave a very small remaining amount so as to not render it completely empty. An individual who “storts”, usually does so in order to claim the object in question is not completely empty, and therefore is not responsible to replace, refill, or throw away the object in question.
The individual who “storts” something, may also be affectionately called a “storter”.
Storting events are most commonly found in:
– Gas tanks of shared vehicles.
– Orange Juice or Milk containers in the refrigerator
– Shared Bank Accounts
– Pizza
– Toilet Paper Rolls
Examples include:
“Who storted the car?” (Which means: “Who drove the car last and was so kind as to leave just enough gas in it that the only place it will get to before dying is the gas station?”
“Please stop storting the milk” (Which would be said to someone who likes to leave nearly completely empty containers of milk in the refrigerator.)
Funny that you should post about this today. Earlier (though, at the time, I couldn’t remember the term), someone storted the toilet paper in the bathroom at work. Now, that’s irritating.
BTW, said storter was NOT me. 🙂
I’m with Melissa! It’s funny…you don’t realize how many incidents of storting there actually are until there’s a name for the phenomenon.
The word’s already starting to spread:
Oh, nevermind. "The entry you created seems to have been a protologism and has been deleted. If you are sure that it is a real word, please provide evidence of this word being used in durably archived media (mainly printed books, and usenet groups) as required by our inclusion criteria. For a term to be included, it must be used by at least three different authors, spaced in time by at least three years, and the authors must not explain the word’s meaning." Oh, well…worth a try!
give it a few days, it will show up on the search engines and reference this blog as the source.
type in "stort slang" in google.
Stort: My example-I don’t have any stort left. Meaning: I’ve completely run out of physical or mental energy, I’m to worn out to continue. You’ve tried your hardest but just can’t go on.