While I am scrambling to get caught up (almost there), I am also preparing as much as possible for the next big disaster and one of these processes is to continually get specialized training. While I do not have much free time on my hands right now, I can afford a little time to start reading again, but I wanted to read something that would give me insight on possible different strategies involved in using a very small group against a very large task, such as a disaster.
So picked up a copy of a fantastic military strategy book this weekend called “Spec Ops”. It was written by William McRaven, the same man in charge of Seal Team 6 and their recent successful mission a few weeks ago. This book is not for everyone, because it is written in a very scientific- military type language, with graphs, etc, but I am absolutely amazed at the detail and type information in here. If you can read between the lines, you will be able to see how the recent raid was carefully planned for.
McRaven outlines 8 different real-life case studies where very small forces were able to obtain “effective superiority” over large forces through 6 principles:
1. Simplicity
2. Security
3. Repetition
4. Surprise
5. Speed
6. Purpose
While not everything I have read so far is directly applicable to disaster aid, there is a tremendous amount of useful information that applies to many different types of competitive or performance based situations. Highly Recommended for the Strategy or Military minded person.
Wouldn’t repetition take away surprise? People usually plan before they take action.In a military scenario, observing would be a crucial key in the planning process. If the opposition were using repetition; as a way of patrolling to keep a secure perimeter, they would be losing the element of surprise.
Repetition has more to do with practicing the event in a "secure" or secret location. The Spec Ops go through it so many times under so many different scenarios that there are no surprises. I am amazed what can be gleaned about the preparation for the Bin Ladin raid from this manual.
Excellant Summary!
Tactical specialist are defined by their unique discipline and unwavering application of such. Any one desiring toexecute as a high performance professional would do well to adapt the six principles outlined in McRavens book.