Its gotten to the point now where I am starting to hear back from a lot of different students about the videos and I wanted to say thank you for all the feedback you have emailed me. I have about 40 + lessons I want to post on youtube and will do so in the near future, but I am actually finishing up my Second DVD, which is a basic photography DVD (it should be wrapped up sometime this week). Until I finish that it will have most of my attention.
In the mean time, I have gotten several great questions and suggestions for videos. While I love to make the lessons, some lessons are only available for order, like how to use the Canon 40 D DVD, but others, if they are general photography lessons, I am more than happy to make and post on Youtube, as well as my photography school.
Some of the many new lessons I will post include the composition lessons, (12 in all), modes, ISO, the digital greenhouse, the scientific method with photography, HDR, white balance, troubleshooting, photoshop intro, and many others.
What are some of the video topics you would like to see? What is it as a beginning photographer do you struggle with? Let me help you out!
What is the best mode to shoot on when you are just learning?
My pictures seem blurry a lot, how come? How come I can never get a picture of what I see? it always looks weird
if someone is wanting an SLR, would you recommend the Canon 40D as a first camera? and if so, is it necessary to get a bunch of lenses, or which ones are good to start with? (wanting to spend $1500 or under if possible)
I purchased my Canon 40D because it was fast and because I have 3 kids, 15, 8 and 1. My little girl doesn’t sit still and my 2 boys play sports. So far the pictures I have taken from their games don’t really come out like I anticipate. I’m expecting a photo like something straight out of Sports Illustrated but all I get are blurred body parts. I know…user error, big time! The face may be focused but you can see the movement from the arms and legs (blurred). I would like to see a video on how to shoot action. I am determined to to get my "Sports Illustrated" shot. I am probably jumping way ahead of myself since I am still working on composition, but maybe by the time you have extra time, I’ll be ready.
All great questions! Some of the up coming vids will answer these. JJ- If you are just starting, use the Green Box mode, until you are ready to start changing your settings. Adam and Alexandra, your pictures are blurry because someone is moving, either you or your subject. Try shooting on the TV mode (or time value) and shoot at 500 or 1000 (these are fractions of a second) The faster the shutter speed, the more still your images will appear. (Granted it helps to be outside during the day as you will need a lot of light.) Alexandra, you will see some of these lessons under shutter speed. Apple- Canon has recently announced a new Digital Rebel coming out in April. it should sell for about $700, which would leave you some $$ to buy lenses. If you dont have any, kits are available that come with starter lenses. The Canon 40 D is a better camera than the Digital Rebel, its made much stronger and allows for more custom settings, but the Rebels are fine cameras and great for starters. If you dont like it, you can keep it as a back up, or sell it on Ebay. Its a good starting Camera. A great portrait lens is the 85mm 1.8, or the 50mm 1.8 both cost about $80. I will make and post some videos to address the lens questions shortly. Thanks again! Any other questions?
Should do a lesson on using the flash…built in or add on
There is a short lesson on the built in flash for the 40 D DVD….and I think a lesson on the 580 speedlite is in order- actually I think there may be a DVD out there about it. Hmm…ill have to look into this….thanks for the input everyone!