Oh what the heck- Ill post this before I leave for the airport. Here there are- the top portrait photos!!
Let me say this…All the honorable mentions are there for a reason, in this case you can see there are more than 5. Any honorable mention is there because it was extremely close to being a top 5 image but there may have been one or two very things that the winners did have. I will pick on the picture of the girl on the far right. I thought this was an extremely awesome portrait, in fact, hanging on the wall of any home, it is fabulous! The reason it didn’t place (and it would have been in the top 3) is because it is just a little too soft (in terms of focus), and that was it. The top 4 were perfect in terms of sharpness, especially in the eyes.
Congratulations to the top winners!
1- Shannon Morgan
2- Scott Roeben
3. Carol Call
4. Zack Baker
5. Leif Cole
Honorable Mentions- Mike Cruz, Kathy Simmons, Ron Payne, Pamela Smette, Melynda Bean, Mark Eisele, Heather Jennings, Rebecca Payne
PS- The most common issue with many of the others was exposure based, for example muted colors in the face.
Congratulations to all winners!, I know this must have been an extremely tough call for Michael,
Congratulations to the winners and HM’s!
Congrats to the winners and HMs!
Congratulations to the winners!
No stinkin WAY!!!!
Yes stinkin’ way!!!! You go, girl! 🙂
What an incredibly difficult decison to make these are Great – and I’m thrilled to be an HM too!!!
Great job everyone.
WE are so proud of you Shannon!
Congrats to everyone!!
Good going, everyone! An honor to be listed among such talented folks. It would be great if everyone could post links to larger versions of their images so we can see them in all their glory. Here’s mine: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lvshooter/3726089404/sizes/o/
Wow. Michael, what an inspiration for so many people. It’s thrilling for me to see the photos of people who entered, won, and to hear your comments. I think what you are doing is brilliant.
that is such a great idea scott, i have been wanting to see so many more up close, your shot is amazing, so much character and depth, i am not sure how the heck michael chose one over another!! here is mine….thanks everyone and congrats to all the winners and HM!! http://www.flickr.com/photos/31724827@N06/3876513678/sizes/l/
Great job Everyone!
Super High Five to our "forum friend" Shannon! We are all so proud of you!! Way to go girl!
This was so much fun! Congratulations, not only to the Top 5 and HMs, but to all of you that took the time to enter. It must have been a very difficult contest to judge (from what I can see something great can be said for each photo that was submitted). I especially liked the 1st image from the 3rd row down (boy with orange t-shirt and looks like green eyes). For those of you that would like to see the images (plus a few more) I submitted check out the following site and good luck to you all for the rest of the competition. http://www.myshutterspace.com/profile/markeisele
I loved Rebecca Payne’s Child Portrait Honorable Mention on the right, so sweet. But they were all so good. Congrats Shannon!
Thanks for the links, Shannon and Mark. Shannon, that winning shot is so great! I love how the focal plane thingy lines up just right for the rope thingy, and really great work on the eyes. Awesome, everybody.
congratulations to all the winners and hm… all the pictures were awesome!