This is just a friendly update, I wanted to make sure everyone knew about this:

The Pre-Order Price of an amazingly low $45 plus $5 shipping for the Photoshop Crash Course DVD is ending on Monday at 8pm Eastern Time and going up to $65 until the DVDs are in stock, when the final price will be $79 + $5 S/h. We expect the retail value of the set as sold on other sites or stores to be in the $130-140 range. This is the most complete Crash Course I could put together for beginning and intermediate photoshoppers. I have really given it everything, and to be honest….I am kinda tired….as in exhausted. It will be good to finish this. It has taken a tremendous amount of work.

Order before Monday, and you will be included in the On-Line Viewing Site Beta Test (meaning you can start watching the video lessons online MONDAY evening!!). Additionally, the 30% discount for my Michael Andrew Lollipop Actions will not be offered after this deadline.

On Tuesday Morning, I will be posting information about my new site. It has been over one year in the works and is still being developed. In another month or two, we will be unveiling some extremely exciting features on this new site.