There is a really nice plug for Photographers Contract Maker in the new issue of Photoshop User Magazine (June 2010) on page 17! I also wanted to say thank you to everyone for their support in buying it, using it, and giving us ideas and feedback on how we can make it better.
We have a new update coming soon!
So glad you are doing really well with this Michael! I love it…makes my life so much easier :o)
Awesome M!
How awesome is that? Congrats, Michael
Congrats M!
Well deserved Michael!
Wow – Great Job! Nice to have the back up from them – and an additional bonus – For those advertising – always get an ODD # page in papers and magazines, bridal booklets etc. – the viewer automatically looks there more than the even # pages on the left side 😀
Should be some really good exposure for your great product!
Congrats Michael, awesome!
Where is your competition now, eh?
Round of applause for our very own Maven..!
Way to go Michael!!!
Woo-hoo!!!! Way to go Michael!!!!!
Good for you!!!