Photographers Contract Maker and Contract Maker Pro are both now available on the Android Market. These Apps are identical in their functionality, they are only different in that they have different starter templates, PCM has photography specific templates, CMPro has general business templates.
A few more notes-
– We have to charge more for the Android Apps simply because the development cost is much higher (about 4 times as much).
– PCM has all the custom placeholders and branding options already available, so there is no need to make any in app purchases to get them.
– Although we have thoroughly tested them, we expect to have a few bugs, so we have a direct support email built into the app.
Contract Makers on Android Market:
Photographers Contract Maker on Android
Contract Maker Pro on Android
Downloaded mine!!!! Yay!!!
Is there any other market place where this will be available? amazon?
I have contract maker for iphone and ipad. I’m switching to android, love my Nexus 7. I downloaded the app but I can import my template. I don’t want to have to re type my whole contract. Is there a way to import all my settings?
There seems to be an issue on my tablet with converting the contract to a document. I have a second generation nexus 7. I’ve e-mailed you already.
Also, the Youtube videos you included in the info section are private. No one can view them. That doesn’t do much good.