We are still getting bits and pieces of information about Mark from the field. I received his camera last week, and it looks like it is still in pretty good shape. I am torn on what to do with it or just let it sit. It is a beautiful, and extremely durable camera. Being that it was on him when he was killed and he had been using it earlier that day, for now it is just sitting in a drawer. Not sure if I will ever use it. I miss him.
Mark’s Mom sent me this and wanted me to share. When Mark was on duty, he would wear a body armor vest that contained special trauma plates in the front and in the back for protection. We knew that the bullet which killed him barely missed the edge of it, but something new we learned was that Mark wrapped both of his plates in an American Flag, so at any given time he was literally wearing 2 Flags. I am not sure if he even told anyone about this, but neither I, nor the family was aware.
Knowing Mark, I think this is safe to say that he did it as a symbolic gesture of keeping America and what she stands for close to his heart. We knew Mark was a Patriot to the core and this is a classic illustration of his beliefs.
An interesting note, the bullet came so close to the plate that it penetrated through a fold making 2 holes. The bullet actually grazed the edge of the plate, and a fragment of the bullet is still fused to the nylon of the flag. Mark’s parents are in possession of this flag now and asked me to share it here:We love to learn these details about Mark and are so grateful for the stories and comments being share by those he served with. Please keep them coming- we have some big plans in store.
Brock Martin and I (mostly Brock) have been working away on Mark’s Website. It should be ready any day now and we are looking forward to having a beautiful place for Mark as well as his comrades in arms. We are looking forward to sharing it and I will let you all know once it is up.
Thank you for sharing this. It really symbolizes the true patriotism that he must have felt- What a true American hero, a legacy of true valor. Thank you for keeping his memory and honor living!
Michael this is touching and inspiring, thanks for sharing.
And I thought the stories about Mark couldn’t get much better. If we would all keep America that close to our heart and fight for this country, even here at home so our america, the one Mark fought for isnt taken away.
What a touching story, brought tears to my eyes.
Very touching, emotional, and inspiring.
Michael This blew me away! In a time when it seems like some Americans don’t even fly the flag when they should some don’t even own one……..Mark however wore two while serving his country!! I literally am sitting here crying……….
Thanks, Michael. I can’t wait to see the website.
God bless Mark and all our soldiers. Thanks for bringing this to us Michael.
I did not know him but this brought tears to my eyes too, Michael you are doing a very good thing for your Friend, God bless him and you too…
He was a true patriot and exceptional Combat Controller. I had the pleasure of meeting him on numerous occasions during his Combat Controller Schooling through our Son in Law, also a Combat Controller. Mark was a true testament of a fine up bringing by his wonderful family and faith. My heart aches for his family and the loss of their beautiful son.
Mark is a true American hero. His body armor flies high and proud in front of my home ALWAYS. I will never forget our heroes. They are the true warriors and patriots in my eyes. Much Love, Yvette Duchene, Gold Star Mother of SrA Daniel R. Sanchez, KIA Afghanistan, Sept. 16, 2010.
@Yvette- Thank you for visiting Yvette! I have heard so much about Danny and am so very sorry for your loss. Pat shared the beautiful poem you wrote…it is very touching. Thank you for the sacrifice of your son for our great nation- I am eternally grateful!
Thanks for sharing, and thanks for Mark’s parents for allowing this very personal detail to be shared. I won’t forget it.
I didn’t know him, but this is such a beautiful illustration of not just his patriotism but his dedication to his country, thank you for sharing!
hi love this web site
Wow, this is amazing. Mark is an amazing man, who’s convictions were so strong. What a great example…
Mark was one of my students at Lackland AFB, TX. I was there for 4 years and Mark was one of the best students I had the pleasure of training. Thank you for keeping us informed with your blog, Michael. This pic and story are inspiring and need to be shared!