As many of you have noticed, my signature look Michael Andrew Paintballer Pro ® Presets have recently run into a little issue with the new Camera RAW & Lightroom Plug Ins; the RAW calibration settings have changed!
The analogy that explains what is going on here, is to think of Paintballer Pro as a set of recipes to bake cookies, and all stores suddenly change the ingredients available for purchase. While many of the ingredients are similar, 3-4 have changed completely and are no longer available.
You can still run Paintballer by changing your calibration settings back to 2010 and they will work fine, but not having updated them in 4 years, I have already begun the very tedious process of going back and re-constructing Paintballer Pro for the 2012 calibration set. Its going to take some time, because each preset has to be rebuilt from scratch, and I am already noticing that a few of them will not be able to be recreated.
This is a good healthy process for me, because having used Paintballer now for so long, there are some things I know I can improve on and the new calibration settings even allow for some new presets to be created. The original set was very, very aggressive in some of the settings and I’ve wanted to have a few in there that were not so color heavy. Another thing was a few tweak the color balance, which while it gives neat looks, I do not believe is necessary.
Anyone who purchased the original Paintballer will be eligible for version v2.0 at no extra charge, and Ill still include v1 in the same download folder for those of you who purchase v2 and want the original sets. Ill make an announcement here when it is ready, but it will probably take a couple more weeks before all the reconfiguration and testing is completed. Im excited to get Paintballer Pro v2 out and ready.
If you want to check out the gallery I have for Michael Andrew Paintballer Pro ® Presets you can check it out here;
Paintballer Pro & Lollipops Gallery Website Note: The gallery is a flash based website so no iphones or iPads 🙁
This is fantastic Michael. I bought these early on in the 365 and used them quite a bit. I really enjoy what they do to the picture. I’m very excited that you are updating them. I hope to be first in line when you announce the release.
Sweet. Cant wait for the update
Wonderful, thank you Michael! Perhaps a Lollipops update too? 🙂