This is a picture of a sunset I took one of the first nights I was here in Utah. I am always amazed to see order in nature, this sky literally looks like a heavenly being took some water colors and painted a few strokes as a way of winking to the world. When I am visiting my family in Maui, every sunset is so different and so amazingly beautiful, that I will say “wow…thank you God for that awesome sunset- You do amazing work”.
The strange thing is my appreciation for beauty in nature has only become apparent only a few years ago, just after I started getting serious about art and photography. I wasnt fully aware of the effort it takes to create order, symmetry and balance in work of art- then it slowly clicked….we are surrounded by it.
Really beautiful pic! We’ve been having a lot of gorgeous sunsets here lately … wish I had a camera as nice as yours to capture the moment(s) 🙂
We had one of the rare rain storms here in Phoenix where the sun didn’t show itself at all for a couple of days, and then yesterday morning as I was pulling out of my driveway the sun peaked through a break in the clouds. When I got on the freeway, I saw the coolest rainbow I have ever seen. It was like this huge wall of color with a lot of cool texture. I wanted a camera SO BAD!
When I was small and I saw a beautiful sunset or really any beautiful sky, I would tell whoever I was with that Heavenly Father was practicing for the Second Coming. 🙂 And you are right, there really is order in all beautiful things.