I get asked a lot why I don’t use Lightroom…there are several reasons, this is one. Everything you do in Camera RAW including White Balance can be applied to JPGs. Think about it….color correction for the wrong temperature pictures is EASY, and can be synchronized to all other JPGs (non-destructively too!). Simply go to Bridge, select the pictures you want to open, right click and select “open in Camera Raw”. While you wont have the dynamic range of a RAW file, the sliders work the same. OUTTEY!
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I LOVE Camera Raw. I’ve recently experimented with it more – with both RAW & JPEGs. It’s a great tool to have. 🙂
Yet another Great Blog Tip – Thanks Michael!
Camera Raw is a great tool! Presets are helpful for multiple photos. OnOne software has 100 FREE ACR presets made by Jack Davis at the bottom of the downloads page. 😉
Bridge and lightroom are basically the same.
Adobe created bridge to make the images easier to access and to speed up the workflow.Then adobe added camera raw.
Then they thought "let’s put the two together" and thus lightroom was born.
Lightroom does have some great features like the web photo gallery, and the export to the web via ftp.
Great! I just got photoshop cs3 and am still feeling my way around…Glad to know about bridge…hadn’t gotten to that yet and was really having a difficult time accessing my photos! Thanks Michael and Rob!