Canon 5DII with Canon 24-70 2.8L , 1/8000, f8.0 ISO 400
Processed with Michael Andrew Lollipops ® Action Set!
Canon 5DII with Canon 24-70 2.8L , 1/8000, f8.0 ISO 400
Processed with Michael Andrew Lollipops ® Action Set!
Welcome to Michael’s blog. Michael Andrew, (aka Michael The Maven) is a freelance
producer, photography instructor, tech innovator, and when needed, disaster aid
specialist. Disclaimer: Michael is a participant in Bhphoto & Amazon affiliate programs
that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through links on this website.
Canon 5DII with Canon 24-70 2.8L , 1/8000, f8.0 ISO 400
Processed with Michael Andrew Lollipops ® Action Set!
Canon 5DII with Canon 24-70 2.8L , 1/8000, f8.0 ISO 400
Processed with Michael Andrew Lollipops ® Action Set!
It is a good thing you are such a great guy with all you do because pictures like this as winter sets in the NE would make it easy to hate 🙂 When you put these pictures up my wife hits me a lot for making her leave HI.
Nice sunset – the silhouetted tree offsets the harshness of the setting sun. The gradient of the blue sky to the yellow sunset is very well captured! Great job Michael!
Beautiful. Do not see sunsets like that here!
so beautiful Michael. I just love the colors of Blue to yellow and the compostion is spot on. Love looking at your work, it truly inspires me.