Had a great shoot tonight with my parents and Whitney (a friend visiting from Alabama).

Our family found out recently that Susan will be treated for breast cancer. We are all nervous about it, but are hopeful that the doctors found it on time. I didn’t really have a great picture of the two of them (nor had I the chance to shoot them in the last few years, so this was a really great opportunity for all of us. I was so glad we could do it. 🙂Whitney was one of my Biology Students from Alabama, and we have stayed in touch over the last 4-5 years. She wanted to see Maui, and I invited her (as I had invited many others) and she actually got on a plane and came. So I thought it would be nice to give her a nice picture as a gift. This was my favorite. 🙂

Now I know many of you will immediately jump to conclusions, please dont- its not like that. I love to have friends visit Maui because when they do, I actually go out and do fun things. Otherwise I stay locked up in a hotel room. In the past day we have:

– Tried Paddle Boarding
– Whale Watching
– Horseback riding
– Scuba Dived

Tomorrow we are taking the dreaded road to Hana…ugh…will make for some good pics though! Paintballer Pro –> Lollipops on both! 🙂