A big thanks to Dave Dugdale of www.learningdslrvideo.com for inviting and interviewing me on my first ever podcast. It was a fun experience and I hope I can do more of these in the future.
It runs over an hour long, but it’s some pretty good insight about the training videos and what goes into them. Dave’s site is interesting in that he himself is a beginner and focuses on teaching video editing from his point of view as a beginner. I felt it was a pretty good interview and you can hear it here:
Michael The Maven Podcast with Dave Dugdale
Thanks for the interview Dave!
great interview Mike
I Listened to the interview earlier. It was great, its always fun to listen to what you have to share. There was a part you talked about filters. Do you prefer to use the rectangular drop in filters over the round screw on type?
Its hard to believe that its been a year now since the workshop. You must give me a call if you are in the area again.I would love to get together again.
Awesome Podcast Michael… Yeah I agree with Rob, can’t believe its been over a year now… Don’t forget to call me when you are going to be near the Miami area, I would really enjoy having another workshop, and so does the rest of the gang…