You guys know those very cool Mophie Battery Cases for your iPhone? (Which I desperately needed in Haiti). They are coming out with two new versions of it, one will allow you to watch FlowTV (works via an embedded Satellite receiver), the other will allow you to take payments for your shoots right from from your iPhone by swiping card cards thru the hardware. This technology is going to open up all kinds of new ways to do business as well as play. Think about it, use your Photographers Contract Maker to sign your document and take payment right there on the spot!
If you can get a Satellite feed to your phone, it will only take some time before someone takes this a step further and will allow you to convert your iPhone into a portable SAT Phone / SAT Internet Connection (these are both very expensive and also extremely useful in emergency situations).
Very cool.
That is so funny, I was just looking at those last night!
wish i could get the iphone with verizon!