Ok, this isn’t really a rumor, it is confirmed. If you are not on the Michael The Maven’s newsletter, you might want to get on it as soon as possible. I only send out 1-2 per year, and try to make it worth your while for signing up. There is a direct signup link in the nav bar above.
We are sending our 5th newsletter on Sunday, and there are two possible coupon codes in there for DEEP discounts. One of the coupons amounts to 40% off bigger purchases (I’ve never offered one that big and it will only be available to a limited number of customers on a first come first serve basis.)
For those of you who have heavy filters on your email account, you will want to add the following address to your safe list michael(at)michaelthemaven.com (add a @) for the at. I write it that way to prevent bots from picking it up).
Ill be showcasing a few products up to the expiration date of the coupons to highlight products you may want to consider in light these great discounts! I’m pretty certain the Lighting DVD will not be ready until Jan or Feb of 2012. We are working on it full time.
Thank you for all your support!
Any chance there will be a coupon for the lighting DVD? I already have all of the other DVD’s so while I would love to use a coupon the only product I would use it on isn’t out yet. Any chance your longtime customers can get some love for the lighting DVD? 🙂
I love photos