I just thought I would write a personal update to let everyone know what I am up to. Im just finishing some of the final touches on the marketing materials for the Canon 50D DVD and the Photoshop DVD. The disk manufacturers are working on both, sometimes there are kinks, and I am waiting to hear back from them but so far so good. Ive also been spending a lot of time with programmers working on Jabookee.com and making it so much better than it is now. When the new upgrades are installed, I will make a post, but I am so excited for it.

Ive been in Utah for the last few weeks, but Im getting ready to hit the road again soon.Ive been dating more here in Utah and have had some very weird experiences, but nothing serious. Ive been wanting to take a trip out to Tennessee for a shooting course (not photography) and will also go down to Arizona to visit friends. I really really need a break, Ive been working like crazy for the last 6 months and I feel a little worn out. Nothing a week or two off wont fix.

I am really happy though, I spend most of my waking hours working on current and new video projects, and the best part of it is I am my own boss, I work when I want to and no one is telling me what to do, unfortunately, I am very driven and find myself working more now than I ever have, but at least I am loving what I do.