Update: MIchael has made it to Port-Au-Prince, Haiti and has meet up with his long time friend Matthieu. They have actually had a planning meeting concerning their visit in Port-Au-Prince. We hope to keep everyone updated here on Michael’s Blog so everyone check back often.
Below a snap of Matthieu!Many people still live in temporary places such as this. They have become more permanent then temporary since the earthquake.
Planning meeting taking place:
Michael, I have followed your site for years and can’t thank you enough for what I have learned from you from a photography point of view. As I sat here at work tonight reading your tribute to your friend and the mission you are on in Haiti I am humbled by the lesson you teach about being a "good man". I have friends who remind me of Mark I am lucky, and it saddens me to my core the loss of a man I never knew. I am able to be a father, husband, son brother and a hockey team manager all in the light of freedom to men and women like him Thank you doesn’t even begin to express my gratitude.
Be safe, God speed & God Bless