This next Monday from 2:30-3:30 there will be a mentoring / networking lunch with me, Michael Andrew, at Logan’s Roadhouse in Tuscaloosa. I get a lot of requests from beginning photographers for input on how they can improve their photographs and business models, and these lunches provide an opportunity for you to pick my brain. Attendees split the cost of my meal, and in return, I will answer any questions you have related to the wedding photography business in Alabama. (I dont need anyone to buy my meal, it’s just a traditional courtesy in exchange for my time.)
I have done these before and they are fantastic opportunities for you to meet other photographers in the area and develop your network. You will be surprised how many photographers are game for this.
The more the merrier, I also request that you please do not bring any albums for me to look at, but it is ok to bring your camera if you have any questions about them. Please RSVP: [email protected] so I can get a count on everyone who plans on attending, as well as a way to contact you in the event the time or location should change.
Talk with you soon!
Wish I could come just to hang out. I hope all is well we haven’t talked in forever! Dang me for not having classes this semester.
Thanks Pete! It’s cool, I am going to try to do this every month if at all possible and there is enough interest. I am trying to get a good network of photographers in the area who are willing to help each other out with advice or whatever. We just need to get the ball rolling.