Lots going on and in the works, here are your updates!

1. 2012 Photo Contest Winner Announcements should happen this week. Most of the judges scores are in, but there is a vetting process we go through for each category. We should see the first winners announced Mid Week.

2. 365 Class of 2012 – On Jan 31st , just a few days ago, our first 365 group officially ended. While there are many still working on and finishing up their projects, we had 29 photographers complete it! WOW!! Many more than I expected (I was thinking maybe 3-5 would). We are planning on a private awards ceremony (online). Remember, everyone who finished gets a $300 Gift Coupon for my Store, a USB thumbdrive, certificate, Arden Ward Posing Video, as well as many other individual awards.

3. The 365 Class of 2013 – has unofficially already started and we have some great new photographers posting in the forum: 365 Club Class of 2013 The deadline has not been set yet, as Im waiting for my new 365 website to be completed, I am hearing it will be on or around Feb 20 2013. This means that anyone can still sign up and participate. Im doing a few things to make it easier to start & finish, and the deadline to join will be be the last day in March. This also gives those who start early a very solid head start.

4. 365 Documentary/b> – I have some great interviews and images of last years photographers. It will give everyone interested in doing a 365 a very good idea of what it is about, how it works and why it is so much fun. Should be ready in about 2-3 weeks, about the same time I officially annouce the Class of 2013.

5. Canon 6D vs Nikon D600 Comparison Video – On and off for the last 6+ weeks or so, I have been taking both cameras out to various locations around Maui and am nearly finished with a very comprehensive comparison video between the two. Ive learned some things that are pretty interesting and I think anyone who is in the market for either of the 2 cameras will want to watch it. Most of my comparison videos are about 5 minutes long, this one is well over 35 right now. Hope to have this posted on my youtube channel by the end of the week. If you already own either of the cameras, you can check out the tutorials I have made for them here:

Nikon D600 Crash Course Training Tutorial Video
Canon 6D Crash Course Training Tutorial Video Manual

6. The Nikon D5200 Crash Course training tutorial video is also officially underway. I expect the downloads to be ready in the next 3-4 weeks.

7. Tiger Shark Slideshow Player should be available for purchase in the next 2 weeks. We are ironing out how it works and making the interface easier. The main requirement users will need: A hosting service to upload the slideshow files. Code is then embedded into the HTML websites of their choice. There will probably be an “all in one” service rolling out later in the year (where we host your files, but that would come with a small subscription fee).

8. Have 2 major Mobile Apps in the works. Cant say much about them other than Ive been working on them each for 2 years and expect them both to be game-changers in their respective categories. More to come on them when they are released later this year.

So you guys can see I have my hands absolutely full. Once I complete all the awards for the contests and get the new 365 project website up, should have much more time on my hands to get some more tutorials going.

Thank you for your support and patience!