First let me give a very big thank you to Brock Martin of Infinet Design who donated a lot of time and resources to making this new site for Mark. We expect there will be minor bugs and glitches and to slowly work them out. I imagine that over time, Mark’s brothers Thad, Joseph and David will take over more of the posts and control over the website. While we may not post something everyday, we hope to add more images, videos, features, articles, stories, not just about Mark, but about all Combat Controllers as well as other Armed Forces Service Men and Women.
We have also begun the process of organizing a non-profit Foundation in Mark’s name to raise money for scholarships and other worthy charitable causes.
Mark, We love you buddy! Your family, friends, fellow Americans are humbled and honored to give you this home on the Internet for as long as we can keep it up and running. We will never for get you or your sacrifice.
Mark Forester’s Memorial Website
Great site Michael. I am sure Mark is honored by your work.
Gary Funk
U.S. Army (Retired)
This site has been put together in a very classy manner. Great Job. I’m wondering if you could post, on Mark’s medals that are shown up top. I know there was mention of them ealier, I’m just wondering if it is possible to tell us which each one was given for. Thank you Michael.
Thank you for educating me to this site and let marks family know i am thinking of him and them- nice work to everyone.