I know many of you are interested in learning more about Mark and his life. I am happy to announce that we are making his own website. Using the blog was useful in the short run, but Mark needs his own slice of the internet. All of the material I have posted here as well as other media, videos, stories, etc. will all be copied to that site and his brothers Thad and Joseph will manage and maintain it. The tribute pages I have posted here will remain indefinitely. We expect it to take about 3-5 weeks to get it up and running.
We realize that there are a lot of people (and soldiers) who would like to add to the content, and this will allow us to collect it all in one place. If you are a good friend, family member, or a stranger who would like to know more about Mark and who he was, this will be the place for you to meet and visit with him. We hope to make it a special place and I will announce it here and on Facebook as soon as it is finished. We have already purchased the domain name.
Brock Martin, the programmer who designed this blog will be making Mark’s site and I know of many additional great and interesting things in the works for Mark. I am excited for his legacy to begin. He will continue to influence others for good.
As for me, it is time to start heading back to Maui. I will leave Alabama either Sunday or Monday and try to get back mid next week. The Business Crash Course for Photographers is 98% finished and should be available for pre-order in the next 1-2 weeks. The Canon 60D Crash Course is next (look for pre-orders in 3-4 weeks) followed by the Lighting Crash Course as soon as possible. Lots to do… time to get back to it.
Thank you for sharing Mark’s story. As I sit here and read your story of your friend and his family I am in tears. This week marks 6 years since I’ve lost a DEAR friend in Iraq. A military funeral is like nothing one should experience. GOD BLESS MARK, HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS. A website is an incredible tribute to the life of a great man who lost his life doing something that was the core of his being and as an american we should all stand proud and offer our eternal gratitude to men like Mark and their families for sharing him with his country.
Hi my younger brother was friends with Mark and has shared the story with me, being prior service it moved me deeply to hear of the loss. I posted Marks tribute video on my fb page and several of my friends have posted it. I am looking forward to the website. The men involved is special operations are truly exceptional individuals. My condolences to Marks family and friends I will do my part to share his story whenever I have the opprotunity and I will make sure his website is known among my friends. Thank you again for the wonderful job you did with the blog.