Maria threw a wrench into our supply pipeline for St Thomas and St John, most everything was coming through Puerto Rico which itself is in trouble now. Still we have had more success and picked up 2300 meals today delivered by plane. Craig works for UPS so naturally he had a truck and two drivers help move it to our staging area. (I normally drive the white truck, on the left side of the road- it’s really weird) The meals will all be delivered tomorrow. We were supposed to get access to 4 x 40 foot containers full of food today but that’s delayed. We have several other programs and very good traction at this point. Coming up on 3 weeks which usually my limit, but I’ve volunteered to go over to Puerto Rico and was given the green light. I’ll head over as soon as our team leader here releases me, sometime between Friday and Monday. I’m ready now, but I can’t leave the team on St Thomas short handed. I’m excited to get over there and get to it.
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